Who is Eve Diamond?

Eve Diamond is the complete opposite of how you imagine a typical accountant – When you need someone who speaks accounting without the geek-speak, look no further.

Eve has more than 30 years experience as an accountant, chief financial officer and business development manager. She has run her own accounting practices and worked as a business partner and CFO for globally listed companies both in Australia and overseas.

Her bold personality, extraordinary intelligence and deeply caring nature mean she is passionate and personally invested in the success of all her clients.  She’s feisty, committed and details focused.

Best of all Eve understands first hand the challenges of running and growing a business and making it bigger, more successful and more profitable. These can often be emotional, not just financial or intellectual, and she brings insight and understanding – plus the occasional moment of tough love.

Eve can grow your business and solve your financial issues, using the Diamond Advisory frameworks. Also there is no “handing off to someone more junior” – you get to deal one-to-one with Eve, the principal, to really ensure great business profits, and help you regain a sense of control over your business direction.

Eve Diamond - business owner's coach, interim CFO, Business partner

My 10 Beliefs

What you believe matters. Here are a few important things I believe because I have seen them to be true over and over.

  1. I believe in honesty in everything. How you do one thing is how you do everything.
  2. I believe in total transparency. It’s essential, the only way for everyone to truly understand what’s happening and why doing certain things is the right way to go.
  3. I believe in reliability. When you become a client, you have clear expectations, and I am responsible for my part and you yours.
  4. I believe in responsibility. Working with your business is a privilege I take very seriously.
  5. I believe in empowerment. People are capable of amazing things when you allow them to succeed.
  6. I believe in prosperity. It’s a world full of opportunity. The old idea of competing over scarce business no longer applies if it ever did.
  7. I believe on objectivity. People are emotional and that makes us wonderful. But when it comes to critical business decisions data and objectivity must lead the way.
  8. I believe in caring. A client is trusting me to help them. Therefore, I treat them as though they are the most important person in the world to me. Without great client relationships business isn’t worth doing.
  9. I believe in interdependence. Your success determines my success. No one alone can achieve all the things they want to achieve.
  10. I believe in sustainability. Both for the environment and the business you’ve worked hard over many years to build.
These are my are sacred, unbreakable vows.

Experience You Can Rely On

Starting out with a Bachelor of Economics from the University of Sydney, and a short stint at Price Waterhouse (now part of PWC).  Upon gaining her CPA Eve began her first business, Sydney Accounting, and grew it to a practice of 20 staff in three Sydney locations. This practice specialised in Small Business Development and Start-ups; taking businesses and their owners from concept to buy-out, even negotiating the sale of a client’s newspaper business to Fairfax.

After 15 years, Eve began to worry the most exciting thing in her professional life had become the annual Federal Budget and its related tax law amendments – it was time for a change so she sold her practice and moved to Melbourne.

Her logical next step was in large ASX listed corporations, working to improve financial systems and controls. There she gained insights into both best and worst practices and how these are addressed – or not!

Currently, Diamond Advisory is the result of returning to her real love – working with entrepreneurs and founders to build, improve and restructure their business. So far Eve estimates she has increased the returns for all the businesses she has worked for by a total of $109 million dollars.

Eve has also sat on both the CPA Australia’s public practice committee and their small business committee, and now regularly teaches courses on Finance for non-financial people.

Who Trusts Eve Diamond?

Media that Eve Diamond has appeared in

Often Eve is called upon at Industry conferences, by television shows or in the media when they need a CPA who speaks in language understood by ‘normal’ business people.

She famously told Chanel 10s’ The Project  “insider trading can also be defined as buying a Maserati from your next door neighbour for a really good deal”!).

Currently Eve sits on a Bank of America small business advisory panel providing quarterly updates on the impacts of Covid on Australian Small Business.