Cash-Flow Fixes

3 Ways to Tackle your Cash-flow Blocks


Cash-flow Checklist

DIY Help

SME Business Coaching - Cashflow Fixes Cash Flow Fixes Cash-flow Fixes - Diamond Business Advisory

1 Hour


Professional Help

1 Hour phone call to flush out Cash-flow niggles and the root causes of the cash-flow issues.

12 Week

Cash-Flow Coaching

Professional Help

12 weeks of Geek-free Cash-flow personal Coaching over the phone/zoom.

Make cash flow smoothly through your business.

  • Are your Staff Supporting your Cash-flow?
  • Are your Systems & Resources effectively using your cash ?
  • Are your Processes efficient at releasing cash?
  • Are your Suppliers & Inventory having an adverse cash impact?

Most business owners have cash-flow issues, and often they keep you awake at night… It needn’t be this way!

Cash-flow Solutions - diamond advisory Small business cash flow coaching

Eve Diamond’s Cash-flow Fixes cover:

  1. Current Cash Stores – Debtors, loans, turnover
  2. Pending Cash Stores – Work in Progress and/or Stock
  3. Future Cash Stores – Terms and Conditions, Sales Processes and Collections Processes

Fix Current Cash Blocks

Collaborating with the relevant people is the best way to unblock these

Debtors, Loans & Revenue

Fix Pending Cash Blocks

Better information, transparency and management can really help to unblock these.

Work in Progress and/or Stock

Fix Future Cash Blocks

Ensuring all your systems and process are cashflow effective will unblock these.

Terms, Sales & Collections


Work with the kind of accountant that transforms businesses
  • Never accidentally run out of Cash again
  • Always pay your bills and staff on time
  • Have sufficient cash reserves to take advantage of bulk purchasing
  • Be able to grow your business in ways that suit you, instead of being held back your cash-flow

Improvement to your Cash-flow  GUARANTEED

Client Feedback:

Cash flow Solutions Quote - diamond Advisory Cash-flow Coach

John McInner

Many business owners let accounts get to the 60 or even 90 day receivables level and then it is a real grind to keep the cash flow going. …. You showed me it is critical for cash-flow to get as many customers as possible to pay on time.

Cash-flow Solutions - Diamond Advisory Cash flow Coaching

Nigel Fitzpatrick

A tight cash flow can take your attention away from the main game – building your business.  Diamond Advisory cash flow solution that ease pressures and stresses for small business owners is a win – win.

How it works:

Success Journey - Diamond Advisory Business Coaching

For small issues, or low hanging fruit – this entire process can be accomplished in a few hours…

How long we work together is entirely up to you.

Your cash-flow expert:

Business Coach - Eve Diamond - Small Business Advisor

In simplest terms Eve solves the two biggest financial challenges of any business: making more money, and keeping more money.

Eve Diamond is a ‘business fixer’ dedicated to empowering business people with the right information, skills and knowledge to make each business dream a successful reality.

When you need someone who speaks accounting without the geek-speak, look no further, there is no “handing off to someone more junior” – you get to deal one-to-one with Eve to really ensure great business profits, and help you regain a sense of control over your business direction.