Business Turnaround Case Study

Challenge and Outcome Summary

A community group had grown over many years based on the input and guidance of key individuals.  As these individuals aged and left it became apparent there was no “organisation”;  instead the group had a lack of systems, few processes and no embedded “deep smarts”.  This dis-organisation was hampering the business growth and preventing long term sustainability.

Business Turnaround Case Study - business advisor


Lack of access to organisational history and no systems documentation, combined with a lax approach to record keeping, hampering day to day running with “re-inventing the wheel”.  Everything from passwords to payroll needed to be reviewed, standardised and made compliant.


Over the last 20 years this group has empowered refugee communities in Victoria, the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in New South Wales, and engaged, educated and activated young Australians.  However the former CEO had been a very entrepreneurial personality and since he left the group had struggled to find is “operational core”.  Strong systems and process leadership along with a fresh strategic plan were needed.


After conducting a strategic review which recommending a complete operational overhaul, a transformation program was rolled out including:

  • Training Program Review – appraising the existing training programs then working with education staff to redefine, promote and deliver improved offerings
  • Accounts Optimisation – reworking the set-up of Xero to enable well informed decision making
  • Database and CRM – reviewing use of Salesforce then sourcing a more appropriate alternative CRM and supervising the set-up and migration
  • Budgets and Forecasts – creation of cash-flows and budgets – including forecasts – to accurately predict funds-flow and enable the CEO to allocate funding and assets effectively and efficiently
  • Risk Management – scoping, defining and developing a reporting structure for strategic issues and risks to better inform board decision making and risk management
  • Payroll – ensuring all staff had contracts that complied with Fair work and were being paid appropriately
  • Team Leadership – leading and managing a team of 12 indirect reports, as well as directing management and advising the large volunteer team of 45 people

This is a true client case study and only the names and images have been changed for privacy reasons.

More Funds
Costs Saved

Outcome – Business Turnaround

An organisation that began to grow stale was refreshed and modernised.  With Diamond Advisory delivering clearer program outcomes, improving program engagement, cutting operational costs by 17% and increasing funding by a remarkable 12% in a Covid environment.

Eve is a veteran at business turnarounds and she delights in making complicated easy to understand.

Our Not-For-Profit is now in a really strong position to continue to work towards an Australia where everyone can reach their full potential.

Alison Warren

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