Business Toughness is all about Durability and Flexibility

A Quick SME Opportunities Test

Is your Business Strong enough to Survive a Crisis?
Is it strong enough to survive day-to-day hic-ups?
Is it making you as much money as it can?

See if you have a tough business or stressed one; and find out where to focus to make it more resilient and profitable.

With 40 questions it is quite comprehensive; plus all the answers are YES, NO or MAYBE so generally this takes under 10 minutes to get through….

In the last survey we ran, 77% of SME owners responded that either Sales and Marketing or Cash-flow were their biggest headaches. And yet, more often than not, when we are working with a business, it is other factors having the biggest impact on their profitability – in particular we find:

* The blind-spots – the things we don’t know that we don’t know
* The mental-blocks – the things we choose to ignore

These catch us out, weaken our businesses and cause us loss, and result in the most stress – stress on us and stress on our businesses. Sometimes there is no let-up from difficulties, with continual day-to-day fire-fighting and one new problem replacing another.
The good news is once these are pointed out the business owners are easily able to address blind-spots and mental-blocks; often quite quickly and cost effectively, to improve profits and decrease their own stress.

Think about the good, great and “not so hot” areas in your business:

Don’t just think Sales and Cash-flow what about also looking at:

  1.    Management savvy
  2.    Compliance
  3.    Operations and Governance
  4.    Staffing
  5.    Marketing

Remove the blinkers and you can then prioritise both your current emphasis, and any newly identified gaps, to focus exactly where you need to act and get started with the most impact. The extra good news is that addressing these issues will also improve the sales value of your business too. Select the image below and you will be on your way.

Business Stress Test - SME help and advice