Selling and Exiting Advice

Did you know you can significantly improve your payout when you exit with a little bit of advance planning?

Make sure you are always prepared for any misadventure and well prepared for every opportunity that may arise.

Your dream come true!

Selling and Exiting Advice - business advice Diamond Advisory

Getting exit ready, doesn’t necessary mean you need to sell right now.

Working with Eve Diamond you can be well prepared for every opportunity and sure there is a ready nest-egg whenever you need.

  • Profit Optimisation

  • Asset Optimisation

  • Operations Reviews

  • Product profitability analysis and advice

  • Cost analysis and improvements

  • Pricing analysis and improvements

  • Exit Strategy Advice

  • Outsourcing v insourcing advice, planning and management

  • HR policies, and handover documentation

  • Process maps, checklists and optimisation

  • Risk analysis and strategy development

Like most owners, you probably worry what your business is worth and are unsure how to get yourself exit ready in the best possible way, and yet of course you really want to exit for the price of your dreams, with a smooth handover, and happy customers, clients, staff and buyers.

Selling and Exiting Advice - Selling and Exiting Coaching

Being Exit-Ready is not about finding a broker or listing your business, Eve Diamond will firstly help you decide what exit options suit, and then move on to ensuring your business is well positioned to meet your exit goals.

Working on your business pre-exit, is like sprucing up your house pre-sale.

Whether it be  IPO, sale, handover, or simply shutting shop changes in business ownership are complex and getting the best deal requires having the best plan of attack.

No matter what the size of your business, Eve Diamond is highly capable and experienced in developing practical improvements to fast-track and support your business goals because you are choosing a business consultant with all the technical skills and knowledge that you will ever require.

Benefit from an SME CFO working with you ensuring the advice your business receives makes everything work in harmony, both now and into the future.

Many excellent operators start their own business with two very clear requirements;

to no longer work for the boss
they currently have

to earn more money
for themselves

However even after a few years those goals sadly, all too often, remain only partly met.

Make sure your business has every advantage
by building a road-map to success.