Budget Solutions

Flush out Budget niggles and the root causes of the Forecasting issues that keep you awake!

  • Having trouble starting your budget?
  • Not sure if your budget is right?
  • Lots of budget variances, without understanding why?
  • Want to find out how to use your budget to really improve business?

Used correctly a budget doesn’t stifle your business – it empowers your decisions!

Cash-flow Solutions - diamond advisory Small business cash flow coaching

A budget is a listing of what you intend to earn and spend, usually during the next financial year – it should outline what you want to get done in your business in monetary terms.

Eve Diamond’s Budget Solutions cover:

  1. Embrace your Budget as a reference for making profitable decisions
  2. Analyse your existing budgets, and accounts for errors, and improvements
  3. Communicate with your book-keeper and accountant more effectively about planned business decisions and needs

Budget Solutions will also lead to better cash-flow and improved profits.

Make really profitable decisions, start by getting the right info at your fingertips with a great budget!


Work with the kind of accountant that transforms businesses

Come to grips with budgeting: how to do it, how to make it work for you, and how to wrangle it when it goes haywire!

Client Feedback:

Startup Coaching - Diamond Business Advisory

Jennie Cody

A wealth of valuable resources – I downloaded all 4 and couldn’t be happier…. I’ve been in my own business nearly 20 years and I still found things that were new and that I could apply.

Many thanks for generously sharing this info.

Testimonial - Business Coaching, Business Advisor, SME Coaching

Don Grjic

You know that you had dug a big hole and by avoiding the issues you were just digging deeper. Two years ago I was there.
Today with a “sqeaky clean” slate, I am working with Eve in building an exciting new business. From my very satisfying experience I have, and will continue to recommend Eve and her dedicated team of professionals to all my friends and business associates.

How it works

Success Journey - Diamond Advisory Business Coaching

For small issues, or low hanging fruit – this entire process can be accomplished in a few hours…

How long we work together is entirely up to you.

your Budget coach:

Business Coach - Eve Diamond - Small Business Advisor

In simplest terms Eve solves the two biggest financial challenges of any business: making more money, and keeping more money.

Eve Diamond is a ‘business fixer’ dedicated to empowering business people with the right information, skills and knowledge to make each business dream a successful reality.

When you need someone who speaks accounting without the geek-speak, look no further, there is no “handing off to someone more junior” – you get to deal one-to-one with Eve to really ensure great business profits, and help you regain a sense of control over your business direction.