CHECKLIST – Budget Right

Don’t let your budget live in the bottom draw – (Whoops!!!) – make sure you BUDGET RIGHT!

Your Budget is a listing of what you intend to earn and spend, usually during the next year, split into months.  A Budget outlines what you want to get done in your business in monetary terms.  And like every business report it exists to enable you to make more profitable decisions more quickly and easily. If it isn’t doing that then you budget is a hindrance not a help!

You have probably never thought about many of these, so grab your budget out and give it dust off, and get ready for making more profit.  Building a better business is easy – simply do your budget right.  By avoiding the pitfalls and making your budget work more effectively for your business your business can grow and unlock hidden profit.

Great List…. It’s not just principles but actual practical advice that can be applied now. Would love to share this with CEOs and NFP boards that review monthly board reports and program budgets.

Alex Lewis
SME Business Coaching - Budget Better - sme budgeting advice - Diamond Business Advisory

Get your budget right and start making more profit and better business decisions right away!


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