How do you tell if you have a Great Accountant???

Do this Quick Test for Choosing Good Accountants


Is your Accountant Well Qualified?
Is your Accountant taking good care of You?
Is your Accountant helping your business make you as much money as it can?

9 Questions to find a good accountant

Choosing Good Accountants
In the last survey we ran, SME Survey, a surprisingly frequent response to many of the questions was:
“Dont’t know if this accountant can help”. Given the questions related specifically to management accounting tasks, and only 11% or respondents were purely wanting just tax advice, this was a bit disconcerting…
A good accountant will easily be able to help a business plan, budget, source funds, and grow – the trick is how to find a good one!

Do you REALLY have a good accountant looking after you?

It can be difficult to choose an accountant, or to make sure you chose a really good one!
So, to help you sort out the good from the bad we have put together a SMART ACCOUNTING list of 9 questions you probably never thought about

9 Questions to find a good accountant

Choosing Good Accountants
Once you finish hit the green Answers button, your results will appear on the screen and we will also email your answers alongside the ideal responses, so you can refer back to them later.

BE HONEST – you should know the answers without having to ask…!!


About the Author

Eve Blackall

Eve Blackall the small business answer to The Supernanny.
At Smart Accounting you work one-on-one with Eve who has already assisted hundreds of business owners increase cash-flow, grow profits, and ensuring businesses fetch the highest price when it comes time to sell.

