Pick your Top 8 KPIs from this list of Top 30 SME KPIs

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See EVERYTHING by creating a Business Performance Reports with your own personal KPIs. Measure and manage better so you can make remarkable improvements in performance.

Here is a comprehensive list of the Top 30 SME KPIs SMEs should consider :

* Financial Indicators – 10 KPIs
* Business Performance Indicators – 7 KPIs
* Business Generation Indicators – 7 KPIs
* Employer/ee Based Indicators – 4 KPIs
* Risk Indicators – 2 KPIs

This list is by no means comprehensive and there are only indicators – use this information to highlight where to investigate further.

This Top 30 SME KPIs list is a menu not a banquet!
(don’t use all of these at once)

Here is what to do next:

  • Step 1 – Don’t use them all!
  • Step 2 – Choose 8 and build the data collection and reporting of these top 8 into your weekly reporting routine. It is easiest to setup a spreadsheet where you track the data and then create a set of graphs so you can see improvements. Remember, you can chop and change your top 8 KPIs every six months or so as you focus on new areas of your business – but start by setting up, and then stabilising, a few at a time.
    For smaller SMEs the suggested break of your Top 8 is a mix of the following:

    • Financial – three
    • Performance – two
    • Business Generation – one
    • People – one
    • Any other vital parameter – one

    When deciding which 8 are the most important make your choice based on your current business strategy for profitable growth offset with reducing risks to the business.

  • Step 3 – If you are a big enough business to have departments then the Director’s ‘Top 8’ will reflect the above list ; however every department should also have its own top 8 which more heavily reflects their departmental focus.
    e.g. The sales department may have: Two Financial, Five Business Generation, One Performance ,One People , and One measure for Market Environment.


Here is a sneak peek at what the list contains; – to get all 30 KPIs you need to download the full checklist…

Ten Financial Indicators, here are the first four:
  1. Profitability – Profit Margin
  2. Solvency – Current Ratio
  3. Gearing – Debt to Equity Ratio
  4. Work-in Progress – WIP Turnover
Seven Business Performance Indicators, here are the first two:
  1. Performance against SLAs
  2. Quality of product or service
Seven Business Generation Indicators, here are the first two:
  1. Revenue breakdown by Customer
  2. Revenue Breakdown by Service/Product type
Four Employer/ee Indicators, here are the first two:
    1. Employee Lifetime Value (ELTV)
    2. Employer Investment (ROI)

NOTE these are not personal performance indicators and so they apply to the business overall, not any one staff member.

Two External Indicators, here is one:
  1. Risk Levels – Reducing frequency and impact – consider, market, economic, geographic and demographic risks
SME Business Coaching - SME KPIs - KPIs for Small Business - Diamond Business Advisory

For more information see also 6 Steps to Choosing Effective KPIs