Turnaround Solutions

Fall in love with your business again!

  • Have things in your business reached a crunch point?
  • Are you unsure about your next business decision?
  • Are there mood swings from denial to blame?
  • Are you just clinging on until the market picks up?

Most SMEs don’t know where to get help when big problems arise… It needn’t be this way!

Cash-flow Solutions - diamond advisory Small business cash flow coaching

A highly capable and extremely experienced advisor is needed to develop practical improvements, specifically driving effectiveness and efficiency, ensuring your ongoing profitability becomes stable and plentiful.

Eve Diamond’s Turnaround Solutions cover:

  1. Release Cash-flow – making sure you have sufficient funds available when needed
  2. Increase Profit – reviewing pricing, costs and staff expenses
  3. Explore Opportunities – are there untapped markets and customers/clients
  4. Manage Risks – examine pending issues and how can they be mitigated

Get Some FLOW

Make sure your cash is free-flowing

Cash-flow blocks can cripple a business

Boost Profit

Ensure the Books are as healthy as possible

Small Tweaks to allocation can make a huge difference

Explore Opportunities

Attract more buyers and bigger sales

Reveal Hidden Customers and Markets

Reduce Risk

Understand and adjust for changes as they arise

Don't get blind-sided by market changes

Make sure your business has every advantage by building a road-map to success.

2 Fast Troubleshooting Solutions


Work with the kind of accountant that transforms businesses

Create maximum certainty that any new owner will be able to run your business and maintain your customers and profits.

The safer they feel, the higher the price they’ll pay!

Improvement to your Profit GUARANTEED

Client Feedback:

Testimonial - Business Coaching, Business Advisor, SME Coaching

Don Grjic

You know that you had dug a big hole and by avoiding the issues you were just digging deeper. Two years ago I was there.
Today with a “sqeaky clean” slate, I am working with Eve in building an exciting new business. From my very satisfying experience I have, and will continue to recommend Eve and her dedicated team of professionals to all my friends and business associates.

Small Business Coaching Diamond Advisory Testimonial CH

Cameron Huntly

Eve tells you the truth you need to know about your business.

If you’re in trouble, she’ll help you turn it around. If you’re doing well, she’ll help you perform even better and be your biggest cheerleader.

Working with her has been an inspiration.

How it works

Success Journey - Diamond Advisory Business Coaching

For small issues, or low hanging fruit – this entire process can be accomplished in a few hours…

How long we work together is entirely up to you.

your Turnaround coach:

Business Coach - Eve Diamond - Small Business Advisor

In simplest terms Eve solves the two biggest financial challenges of any business: making more money, and keeping more money.

Eve Diamond is a ‘business fixer’ dedicated to empowering business people with the right information, skills and knowledge to make each business dream a successful reality.

When you need someone who speaks accounting without the geek-speak, look no further, there is no “handing off to someone more junior” – you get to deal one-to-one with Eve to really ensure great business profits, and help you regain a sense of control over your business direction.